Your current location: Shop of金固牢胶粘剂(浙江平湖)有限公司 > AboutAbout us
About us

  本公司是欧洲一家具有50年历史的知名跨国化工企业,总部设在西班牙,在欧洲、南美均设有分公司。金固牢胶粘剂(平湖)有限公司坐落于平湖市经济开发区,交通便利,是市和开发区重点引进的一家欧美企业。公司占地面积30多亩,建筑面积18000多平方米,厂区环境优美,办公设施,配有先进的中央空调系统。 公司一期总投资6000万元,生产设备80%全部由国外进口,同时引进欧美先进的生产工艺和现代企业管理模式,是专业生产溶剂型、水溶型、热溶型粘合剂、泡罩包装加工等密封胶带制品的跨国化工企业,产品90%以上出口欧美市场。预计年产量10000吨,实现年销售收入1.5亿元。 We are a well-known European chemical company, with 50 years of history.Gymcol Group is now a leading company in the plumbing, hardware, industrial supplies and DIY markets. We produce and supply professional and consumers markets with a wide range of high quality products, such as wall-paper paste, followed by PVC solvent cement and cyanoacrylate adhesives. GYMCOL Group has factories in Europe, South America and Asia: - 4 factories in Spain 1970, 2002, 2005 and 2006 - 2 factories in Brazil 2003 - 1 Factory in China, 2006. We sell our products in more than 40 different countries.